Help Create a Stronger, More Resilient Future Generation

Cloud9UK’s Mental Health Awareness Suite is available throughout our solutions, covering EYFS through to KS4. Early intervention has proven to be one of the most effective means of mental health care. This can help prevent or reduce the progress of a mental illness and improve mental health & wellbeing far into the future.

Improving mental health & wellbeing in schools

Our Mental Health suite provides extensive resources to support your teachers, parents, and students at their points of need through:

  • A proactive view of mental health presented through videos, supporting transcripts and posters
  • Assessments and digital quizzes to measure understanding
  • Flexible, easy to use lesson plans 

This program utilises transparent communication with a parent login to deliver a consistent message of support

  • Digital quizzes, study guides, and games to measure understanding.
  • Lesson plans to extend learning.
  • Suggested scope and sequence provided to avoid repetition.
  • 30 – 180 minutes of student instruction/lesson.

Interested in our Mental Health suite?

Contact the Cloud9UK team today to book a demo or click get in touch to ask us any question you may have.

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